
中国茶叶是种类繁多的。基本茶类有绿茶、红茶、青茶、黄茶、白茶等。绿茶不经过发酵,保持了绿色的特点;红茶则全发酵,其汤色呈红色;青茶介于红绿两茶之间,是半发酵茶;黄茶制法类似绿茶,需要闷黄;白茶完全靠日晒制作,味道香气均佳。再加工茶类则有不少的品种,例如生普和经过速成发酵的普洱茶。除此之外,茶叶还可以按采取时间、产地、象征事实、吉祥文字、色泽、味道、香气、形式等方面命名,如龙井、武夷岩茶、白豪银针茶等。茶叶外形也有三种,即扁平形、长形和圆形。China's tea is diverse in its types. There are basic types such as green tea, black tea, oolong tea, yellow tea, and white tea. Green tea is not fermented, retaining its green colour. Black tea, on the other hand, is fully fermented giving it a red colour. Oolong tea is a semi-fermented tea that falls between the two. Yellow tea is made similar to green tea but requires to be fermented for three days while white tea is sun-dried and has a good aroma and flavour. There are many reprocessed types of tea, with one of the most famous being Pu'er tea that can be made from raw or fermented tea leaves. In addition to the basic types, tea can be named according to harvesting time, place of origin, symbolic meaning, colour, taste, aroma or shape. The shape of a tea leaf can be flat, long or round.